Thursday, September 27, 2012

Gee dang it!

I'm the worst at these. THE WORST!
Well I guess it's about time I visited this blong. No one reads them, but i'll fill all those who "read" this in on what has been going down!

I worked back up at the Ponderosa Ranch this summer. LOVED the people I met and grew to love. They are some of the best friends ever. Gained some family that is for sure.
Now I am back down in Southern AZ, going to EAC part time, and working at the Taylor Freeze. Living the high life. I do what I can.

HAHA oh man..i'm funny. I am hoping to leave Thatcher at the end of this school year. Degree in my hand or not. I truely love this town. It draws you in. The people are fantastic, but it's my time to move on. I'm ready for bigger and better things. Doesn't matter if that means work, school, or just moving back up north, it is time for change. I really want to be closer to my family. Mostly my grandparents. They are the greatest things on the face of this earth. They're my superheros. They might not need me around, but I sure as hell would love to be closer to them. I miss sunday dinners at their house. It's gonna be very quiet without Uncle Scott, and Uncle Troy's families around. I love them too, they're the example of men that men should be. My family is the greatest. We fight, we yell, we are rowdy, we are sarcastic, we swear, and we rough house, but we they are the most loving people in the world, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

I know this post just kind of jumped around, but I needed to post it. Next time i'll keep my thoughts on track, and post some pictures :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Man! I always start something super awesome and forget about it. I'm going to start trying to be better at this whole blog deal :). Instead of tryin to explain everything that has happened since the last time I have posted I'll just put up a few pics.

I moved home from Thatcher from the summer. Well...not quite home but close :). I'm working back up at the Zion Ponderosa Ranch for the summer riding my little life away. I've gained some great friends, and love being close to old ones. Although I do miss my Thatcher crew. Lots of friends weddings have come and gone and before I know it I'll be back down in Thatcher in about a month.

I actually got to make it to graduation for my favorite red heads!

Angels Landing hike in Zion National Park. Ya...this is my back yard :)

Trisha and Eric, Rec. guides that I work with. Ya, we are flippen' awesome.

Aww this girl, we grew real fast. Janessa is the other wrangler, and we do nothing but play all day with our "little bro" Coleman!

Trisha, Justin, and Claudia. I love the rec guides!

My latest adventure. I had a blast down in St. Johns for Jessica's wedding and got to see all these lovelys:)

Oh man can't forget the family reunion. Tyson and I are so cute.


This one is for Jessica. She's amazing and one of the best friends ever. Along with the other ladies in this picture. Congrats love, it was a beautiful wedding and I'm so glad I got to make it!!

Till next time <3

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I'm officially horrible at remember to write on this deal-i-o! Well some updates for the very few (maybe one) persons that read this!
* I'm moving back up north for the summer to work at the Ponderosa again. I can't believe I agreed but what can I say, I love my co-workers, but will definitely miss the ones at the Freeze.
* I'm coming back to ThatchNasty in August, bittersweet for sure, and hopefully will work at the freeze again to be with my awesome friends :)!
* School stinks. I hate it. ALOT.
* I'm broke as a joke.
* Oh. And within the next week or 2 I will no longer be pimpin' Tyrone (the bug). I'll be drive a lil' 'yota :) .
Anyways I don't have much news. I'm still single, not real sure if I'm ready to mingle. I LOVE my friends. They're the best. I've been having some hard times lately that I need to figure out and resolve. I'm not perfect but we all have our flaws! I'm just trying to get by in life and figure out how to get out of the rut I'm stuck in ! :)  Now for some dumb pictures that have nothing to do with anything !!

1. NEVER leave me home alone with a webcam, music, and nothing better to do.

2. My friends and I are as redneck as they come and sometimes we come up with the best inventions. Wesley came up with the redneck gun rack!

3. I'm the best shot out of us 3. The end :)

4. My nephew Calvin and I make the coolest forts...

5. ...and the best faces :p

Well it was a itty bitty quick update buuuuuttttt you're welcome :)

Peace, Love &Cowboys

Monday, January 30, 2012

Still have a few more dances with the Devil.

I know even know where to begin. College is quite the experience. This past semester and current one are going to test me to levels i've never been. Losing friends, money, classes, and time. I am definintely learning my true friends and true loves in life. I've been having a super hard time lately and there's always those moments when you don't think you can take much more and there's at least one person who can make things make more sense. I've lost lots of friends moving out of Fredonia and gained so many here in Thatcher. I've lost my fair share of them here too, and being far from home I've had to make my own family. That's exactly what I've done. I miss my family more then anything, my parents, my grandparents, my uncles, aunts, and my cousins. My family is the closet family I know. We are each others best friends. I love them. Baaaa I hope one day that life will all work out and show us the path we need to cling too. But there are the positive times too. I love my "family" i've made in Thatcher and I know my friends would do anything for me, be it little or small. and vice versa.

We may be loud, we may act like idiots, and people may hate us. But that's who we are. We love eachother for us, not for something we aren't...and I have THE BEST friends in the world, and I wouldn't trade that for all the money in the world. They make me a better person, and make me wanna keep going. I may fall but I know they'll help me back up. We aren't perfect and none of us ever will be, but we try to help eachother out anyway we can.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Erwin Darwin The Conqueror....ED for short.

2011 Done and Gone! On to newer and better things. The Spring 2012 semester starts soon, and life is just as crazy as before!

Christmas break I stayed in Good Ol' Thatcher (unfortunately ha ha) and worked, slept, worked, slept, and played as much as I could! Christmas eve and Christmas day my parentals came over and we spent the weekend at my Sisters, who married a Thatcher boy, and we just did a whole lot of hanging out haha. We got to go riding down Berry Patch Rd. up the mountain a little and had a fire, and just played outside for the day it was so AWWWEEESOME ! 
Me, My sister Addie, her Son Calvin, and my sister Jeanette. 

Aside from Christmas break has been pretty chill I mean we definitely do nothing all the time :) I mean, my friends and I  LOVE Sitting inside and just watching movies and being bums. Let me demonstrate.
We definitely hate mud.  

We really hate not being serious. 

We DESPISE smiling. 

We are always clean from being inside all day. 

Pretty rough lives. I know...we hate them. :)

Haha oh shucks. We do what we can, and we do it good :) We love being outside, having fires, playing in the dirt, riding, mattress surfing, and goofing around!! We are funny if I do say so!

New years eve, I ventured to good Ol' St. Johns AZ where we had a fire, and I got to see some of my long lost friends :) Like Miss Victoria Skousen, Julie and Trett, and the Raban family, others are noted, but will remain nameless :) I had such a blast, we might not have done much, but it was alot to us! I also gotta attend my good friend Baby Wahl's (Travis) farewell! He gave SUCH  a good talk, he is gonna do super on his mission! I'm glad I didn't miss it! works wonders on the most tired people :) 

Well to finish up this RANDOM blog post, catching up on the break, I'd like to close by saying we bought THE MOST HANDSOME turtle. His Name is .... Erwin Darwin The Conqueror..ED for short. He is so handsome and he loves to swim in his home and the baby pool out front. He definitely loves us!
Chillen in his house!

ALSO Congrats to the Newly Weds April and Colton Romney! We love you guys so much, Elise, Cyndal and I got the pleasure of sitting outside the Gila Temple to congratulate them!

LASTLY...I love and miss my buddy Garrett Anderson, he's moved on from this lil' town to Snow College, Good luck with Football mister!! We got the honors of skyping him last night, and all I can say is I'll miss him cracking him self up and rapping with me!! Do work son :)
Garrett Crackin' himself up and Brett, Robby and I looking at him like he is high :) Good times. 

Till next time! Peace, love & Afro Grease! Hope everyone's holidays were amazing.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Life isn't fair, but don't take the little moments for granted"

Well it's been a little while since I've posted. There has been a lot going on! Where to start?

Thanksgiving. I loved it. It was alot smaller then most we have, not near all of our family but still awesome. Got to see lots of cousins, play basketball with my uncles, and eat amazing food. Yes I even got some of my grandma's famous lemon merg. pie! AMAZING :)

School. Well only one more week of regular classes after this weekend then finals round 3. Never gets easier or less stressful the more you take them, I think it gets worse! I have a math final, english final, sociology final, and computers final. Not alot but dang I think it might kill me! Then work on top of that.

The best part. Tuesday morning during math class I got the call that my cousin Mike Meeks had passed away earlier that morning. I thought I could hold it together but I was crying all day, ditched classes the next day, and plowed through the rest of the week. My amazing co-workers covered my shifts this weekend so I could have the oppurtunity to come home and be with my family. My heart hurts for his kids and wife, he was an amazing, loveable man with a contagious laugh. I'll miss him dearly but I know he is fishing something fierce with his dad now. Just a year apart, it's been rough for everyone. The funeral was amazing, so grateful to those who supported and helped the family through everything. It's not always fun to just get to see your family for funerals, but under the circumstances it was great. I really love my family and like my Aunt Helen says "Life isn't fair, but don't take the little moments for granted".

My Great Uncle Kez on the left, and Mike on the right. This is dedicated to both of you amazing men. The road goes on, we will see you again.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Some people drink from glasses, we drink from mason jars!

After weeks and weeks of stress, papers, and landing a job, I, Jolene Findlay, FINALLY got to go home! It was such a good weekend :)

I got to see my family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends! What more do people need? We had a huge family dinner while I was home and ate some homemade shredded beef tacos..mmmm so good!

We also got to go support Katy's little brother Afton at his highschool rodeo, it was great to watch him, and see an old friend COLE!

It wouldn't be home without dried fruit, fresh fruit, and meals cooked in huge pots :)

While visitin our friends family, I creeped on my own studly cousin Dillon..he is a beast!

You can see ZION in the distance on our way to the rodeo

Tyler and Haydens moment...awkward.


Haydens ALWAYS watching

OZZY! He gained weight, looking good!

Getting ready to go ride.


Me, Hayden, and Katy. We are so cute!

Well there is not much else to write. I love my family. I love my friends. I love Fredonia and all that's around it. AND I HAD SO MUCH FUN:) Can't wait to go back for Thanksgiving...and move back up north for that fact! We may be small town kids, we may not be rich, we may not dress the nicest, but we have eachother, manners, and sarcasm. I'd say we have it good! <3 FREDONIA!